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Explore a list of Best Bowling Strike Rate in the Afghanistan Tour of Sri Lanka 2024

Statistics - Sri Lanka vs Afghanistan

Best Bowling Strike Rate
Vishwa Fernando
Naveed Zadran
Asitha Fernando
Prabath Jayasuriya
Nijat Masood
Kasun Rajitha
Qais Ahmad

Batting Stats (T20I)

Most Runs in T20I | Most Runs in an innings | Highest Batting Average | Best Batting Strike Rate | Most Hundreds | Most Fifties | Most Sixes | Most Fours | Most Sixes in an innings | Most Fours in an innings

Bowling Stats (T20I)

Best Bowling Figures in an Innings | Leading Wicket Taker | Best Bowling Average | Best Bowling Economy | Best Bowling Strike Rate

Team Stats (T20I)

Highest innings totals | Lowest innings totals |

Batting Stats (ODI)

Most Runs in ODI | Most Runs in an innings | Highest Batting Average | Best Batting Strike Rate | Most Hundreds | Most Fifties | Most Sixes | Most Fours | Most Sixes in an innings | Most Fours in an innings

Bowling Stats (ODI)

Best Bowling Figures in an Innings | Leading Wicket Taker | Best Bowling Average | Best Bowling Economy | Best Bowling Strike Rate

Team Stats (ODI)

Highest innings totals | Lowest innings totals |

Batting Stats (Test)

Most Runs in Test | Most Runs in an innings | Highest Batting Average | Best Batting Strike Rate | Most Hundreds | Most Fifties | Most Sixes | Most Fours | Most Sixes in an innings | Most Fours in an innings

Bowling Stats (Test)

Best Bowling Figures in an Innings | Leading Wicket Taker | Best Bowling Average | Best Bowling Economy | Best Bowling Strike Rate

Team Stats (Test)

Highest innings totals | Lowest innings totals |

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